Does CoolSculpting Tighten Skin?

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Does CoolSculpting Tighten Skin?

Does CoolSculpting Tighten Skin? A common question that arises when someone is researching fat freezing. The increase in the popularity of CoolSculpting leaves many to wonder what it will do to their bodies in terms of excess skin. Some procedures like liposuction reduce fat but leave the patient with sagging skin. Clinical studies and an FDA clearance suggest CoolSculpting reduces fat while also improving skin tightening in the submental region.

If you struggle with submental fullness, double chins, or turkey necks, CoolSculpting provides a knock-out punch in one treatment. You can now contour an attractive neck free from double chins, turkey necks, or excess skin. Read on to learn more.

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What Causes Fat Accumulation in the Submental Region?

The submental region is a true problem area for countless people. Double chins and turkey necks are the cause of embarrassment and insecurity. The truth is that this fullness in the submental area is not always a direct reflection of the person’s lifestyle choices. Someone can work out often and eat healthily but still struggle with fat deposits in this area. Gender, hormones, age, and even genetics all play a part in a fat buildup in the chin and neck. According to polls, fat in this area affects 2 out 3 adults.

Before CoolSculpting, liposuction was the only cosmetic treatment capable of reducing submental fullness. This procedure, however, comes with many drawbacks like surgery, stitches, recovery, and general anesthesia. Now, CoolSculpting provides a safe and effective way to eliminate submental fullness without any of the disadvantages associated with surgery.

Reducing Double Chin Fat with CoolMini

CoolSculpting could only treat certain areas when it first came out in 2010. Its popularity has grown since then prompting the creators to make a new line of applicators. The CoolAdvantage line of applicators introduces new applicators capable of contouring new areas on the body. One of those applicators is the CoolMini.

This new handheld device addresses small, isolated pockets of fat in areas that are hard to reach. The CoolMini fits under the chin and easily treats fat in this area.

Now, with clinical evidence and findings, this treatment reduces stubborn fat AND improves skin laxity.

Learn the factors that determine CoolSculpting Cost>>

Is CoolSculpting Right For Me?

Unfortunately, fat freezing with CoolSculpting is not suitable for every person. As the popularity of this treatment continues to rise, more people are interested in how CoolSculpting can improve their physiques. The truth is, you have to be the right candidate to undergo treatment and achieve effective results. The right candidate is a healthy, active adult struggling with stubborn fat. If you question your candidacy, schedule a consultation with a reputable provider in your area. If fat freezing is right for your body and aesthetic goals, they create a plan that achieves exceptional fat reduction and skin laxity in the submental region.

Coolsculpting Near Me in Newport News

To learn more about CoolSculpting and how it reduces fat and improves skin laxity in the submental region, contact Numa Spa. We are the primary provider of Coolsculpting treatments in Newport News, VA. Call us at 757-23-5800 to schedule a consultation to learn more.



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