CoolSculpting Treatment Areas | What Areas Can You Have Treated?

CoolSculpting treatment areas

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas | What Areas Can You Have Treated?

When people first hear about the fat freezing treatment, they want to know what areas they can have treated. CoolSculpting treatment areas include notorious trouble zones like the lower abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, double chin, armpit fat, and more. At Numa Spa, you can select from a wide range of treatment areas to freeze stubborn fat bulges in the regions that are exercise and diet resistant.

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Popular CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

CoolSculpting is FDA cleared to treat the abdomen, flanks, back, submental region, upper arms, and thighs. Read more about how this treatment affects each area.

CoolSculpting Belly Fat

Belly fat is commonly chosen for this fat freezing treatment. For many, belly fat is one of the most troublesome areas. This region is notorious for holding on to stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Treating the abdomen is done with one large applicator or two small applicators, depending on your body. This area will tend to require more than one treatment to see exceptional results.

See CoolSculpting before and after belly fat pics >>

CoolSculpting Love Handles

The love handles are another area that is commonly CoolSculpting treatment area. Many patients choose to get their flanks and abdomen done at the same time to achieve an optimal midsection transformation. Love handles usually require one small applicator on each side of the body.

CoolSculpting Thighs

The inner and outer thighs are common trouble zones for many people. The latest line of CoolSculpting applicators, the CoolFit and the CoolSmooth are made to treat thigh fat. The CoolFit comes with a more extended cooling plate that is great for vertical fat deposits found in the inner thighs. The CoolSmooth is one of the unique CoolSculpting applicators as it requires no suction. This applicator is flat and can reach areas that cannot be suctioned like the outer thigh region.

Learn how the different applicators affects CoolSculpting cost >>

CoolSculpting Double Chins

It’s normal to struggle with a double chin or turkey neck, especially as you age. The CoolMini is a CoolSculpting applicator explicitly made to treat smaller areas of fat like armpit fat and the fat in the submental region, or double chin and neck fat. With this applicator and treatment, you can say goodbye to that double chin in as little as 1-2 treatments.

Related article: DIY CoolSculpting | Why Freezing Fat at Home Doesn’t Work? >>

CoolSculpting Near Me

If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting treatment areas and find out if you are the ideal fat freezing treatment candidate, contact Numa Spa! You can schedule a free consultation to learn more about this treatment and how it can help you get a firmer, leaner body. Call Numa Spa at (757)-223-5800 to schedule yours and learn how to reduce stubborn bulges in your problem areas.



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